Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beer Quiz

Can you match the beer lable with the correct bottle??


1. What brewery was the first to produce tab-top beer cans?
a. Pabst
b. Bud
c. Schlitz
d. Miller

2. What beer tells us to 'grab all the gusto you can get'?
a. Pabst
b. Bud
c. Schlitz
d. Miller

3. When champagne and stout are mixed what is it called?
a. Blue Velvet
b. Black Velvet
c. Red Velvet
d. White Velvet

4. Lager beer is usually aged over or under 3 months?

5. Two kinds of British beer are 'bitter' and 'mild'.

6. What is the great beer of Japan?
a. Kirin
b. Rising Sun
c. Nippon

7. What was the original name of lite beer from Miller?
a. Golden Lite
b. Silver Bullet
c. Mellow Lite
d. Meister Brau Lite

8. What kind of German beer always pictured a goat in its ads?

9. Bach beer is traditionally drunk in the early spring.
a. True
b. False

10. What percentage of alcohol is in Near Beer?
a. 2
b. 1.5
c. 1
d. .5

1. Schlitz
2. Schlitz
3. Black Velvet
4. Under
5. True
6. Kirin
7. Meister Brau Lite
8. Bock Beer & Bock
9. True
10. .5


Anonymous said...

Nice, but where is the scoring break down? 20 - 22 correct = Check yourself into Betty Ford. And so on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Need to crack a few Schlitz and add one in. Respect on calling me out for mailing this one in. I should be embarassed for pressing the "Post" button - it's as lame as a Mike Weir Masters.

Anonymous said...
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